Just a quick heads-up: Apple just dropped iTunes 10.1.1.
Jailbreakers and unlockers do not updated until we can confirm it it’s safe. We will let you know.

This iTunes release provides a number of important bug fixes, including:

* Addresses an issue where some music videos may not play on Macs equipped with NVIDIA GeForce 9400 or 9600 graphics.
* Resolves an issue where iTunes may unexpectedly quit when deleting a playlist that has the iTunes Sidebar showing.
* Fixes a problem where iTunes may unexpectedly quit when connecting an iPod to a Mac equipped with a PowerPC processor.

* Addresses an issue where some music videos may not sync to an iPod, iPhone, or iPad

Related posts:

  1. Apple Drops iOS 4.0.2. Jailbreakers And Unlockers DO NOT Update
  2. Apple Releases iTunes 9.0.3 Update
  3. Apple Releases iTunes 9.1.1 Update
  4. Apple Releases iTunes 8.2.1, Breaks Palm Pre Sync
  5. Apple Premieres iTunes 9

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