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Comex Releases Source Code for Spirit Jailbreak

Comex has released the source code to the Spirit jailbreak for other developers to take a look at.
This is painful. But. *sigh* (To preempt any questions: this is not a new jailbreak or anything useful to non-developers.)
This is painful. But. *sigh* (To preempt any questions: this is not a new jailbreak or anything useful to non-developers.)
When asked why he was releasing it comex replied,
Because I promised to.In regards to the new firmware releases by Apple comex says,
3.2.1 and 4.0.1 out. if you want an unlock, DO NOT UPDATE. No, the jailbreak is not ready yet.Related posts:
- Spirit Jailbreak for iPad, iPhone, iPod to be Released Tomorrow [Update x2]]
- Spirit Jailbreak for iPad, iPhone, iPod to be Released Tomorrow [Update]
- iPhone Dev-Team on the Impending Spirit Jailbreak
- Spirit Untethered Jailbreak for iPad, iPhone, iPod is Released!
- GeoHot Posts Entire Source Code for iPhone 3GS Unlock
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