PwnageTool 3.1.5 with Firmware 3.1.3 Support Released

The iPhone Dev-Team has released PwnageTool 3.1.5 for Mac OS X which lets some iPhones upgrade safely to the 3.1.3 firmware.
Using PwnageTool to upgrade will preserve your jailbreak and ultrasn0w unlock. If you are using the blacksn0w unlock at baseband 05.11.07 you will need to stay at 3.1.2.
As always, we will update our tutorials shortly
iPhone 3GS users (regardless of unlock) should stay away from this and all 3.1.3 jailbreak tools unless you know you have your “SHSH hashes” backed up via Cydia. That’s because if you make a mistake you may find yourself stuck at official 3.1.3 with no way to jailbreak or come back down to 3.1.2 to jailbreak.
If you really truly feel that you need to update, this version creates a custom 3.1.3 IPSW for you to restore to on your iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS with early bootrom, iPod touch 1G, and iPod touch 2G with early bootrom. If you don’t know if you have an early bootrom or not, please avoid updating until you learn more.
You don’t need to be pre-jailbroken on anything but the iPod touch 2G early bootrom. And really for that device, it’s faster and easier to use redsn0w 0.9.4 as mentioned in our last post. For that matter, if you have an ipt1g, iphone2g, or iphone3g(and don’t need an unlock), you should use redsn0w too (but version 0.9.3). It’s faster and you won’t have to go through a full restore process (just do an update then run redsn0w, pointing it at 3.1.2 FW instead of 3.1.3).
If you have an iPhone 3GS, PwnageTool works if you’re currently at version 3.1.2 or below (down to 3.0). You don’t need to be already jailbroken — PwnageTool will ask you if you’re jailbroken after you’ve created the IPSW. Don’t use PwnageTool on the iPhone 3GS if you’re at 3.1.3, it just won’t work. Downgrade to 3.1.2 using the methods described here. If you can’t downgrade because you don’t have your 3GS 3.1.2 hashes on file with Cydia, you’ll need to sit out the 3.1.3 jailbreak.
You can download PwnageTool 3.1.5 from here
Related posts:
- HOW TO: Create Custom Jailbreak Firmware 3.1.3 Using PwnageTool 3.1.5 [Mac]
- iPhone Dev-Team Releases PwnageTool 3.1.3 With 3GS Jailbreak Support
- Dev-Team Releases Jailbreak – PwnageTool 3.1.4
- First Look At Sn0wbreeze v1.3: Jailbreak iPhone Firmware 3.1.3 With Custom .ipsw
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